In 19 Minuten zu 100% gefunded, inzwischen bei knapp 100.000 Euro (bei einem ursprünglichen Ziel von 10.000): Das aktuell laufende Kickstarter-Projekt der Fortsetzung des Brettspiels „Sefirot“ ist bereits vom Start weg ein Erfolg. Zum Spiel:
Sefirot is a mix of board game and Tarot divination, both playful and meditative. The game features four different play modes for one or two players, using a reversible board and a deck of specially designed Tarot cards.
The rules of Sefirot are deliberately accessible, devised from a blend of solitaire and other card game mechanics. The game is not meant to impress with over-complicated mechanics, but to foster exploration and communication via play.
Das ursprüngliche Spiel hatte offenbar einige Design-Schwächen, die nun ausgebügelt werden sollen. Man darf gespannt sein.
Ab dem Pledge-Level „The Board Game“ (55 Euro plus Versand und eventuelle Extras) erhält man auch ein Tarot-Deck (in diesem Fall das „Traveller’s Deck“). Zu den Decks:
For this campaign, we’re offering several decks, available as regular tier rewards or as add-ons:
- Original, gilded Sefirot deck: the Tarot-sized deck from the original Sefirot Kickstarter. Each card has gilded edges and detailing. Comes with a short Tarot guidebook. Features 3 variations of The Lovers, and the limited edition Tree and Abyss cards.
- The Traveler’s Deck: a small deck, designed for playing Sefirot. Conveniently sized for travel. Comes with a longer Tarot guidebook. Features 3 variations of The Lovers.
- The Spheres of Heaven deck: another Tarot-sized deck, perfect for playing our tabletop RPG The Hidden Isle. Comes with a longer Tarot guidebook. Features 3 variations of The Lovers.
Das Projekt kann noch bis Ende September unterstützt werden.